Best parts. Best price.
Wuchon delivers the most economical private label electrical components. Feel the power of the Wuchon flower!

Why Wuchon?
Our joint USA, Mexico, and China team provides the best electrical components at the best price. We have the manufacturing and engineering support capabilities you need in a component supplier!
Save money
Wuchon will make your products more profitable using the power of our great pricing.
Electrical parts
We are Johnny-on-the-Spot for connector shells, contacts, inserts and electrical components.
CAD support
Our CAD engineers provide development support with 3D SolidWorks, Creo, or NX.
Speedy delivery
Wuchon works fast from concept-to-completion and gets you parts when you need them.
We deliver private label components to your specifications
Team Wuchon engineers build great parts to your 2D and 3D specifications. We have experience producing commercial components in accordance with mil/aero specifications.

We provide:
Mil/Aero type connector accessories
Standard and custom connector accessories per customer requirements and specifications such as MIL-DTL-26482/38999, and SAE AS50151 (MIL-DTL-5015).
Electrical contacts
Swiss-machined contacts per SAE AS39029 (formerly MIL-DTL-39029) and related standards. Sizes range from GA-28 to 4/0. Types include Co-Ax, Tri-Ax, Spring Loaded, hooded, and hoodless.
CNC Components
State-of-the-art CNC equipment and CAD/CAM producing the highest quality connector and electrical components.
Wuchon's capabilities are what you need!
Our manufacturing capabilities allow us to compete with anyone! When you see the Wuchon flower , you
know you have the best private label electrical components at the best price.
Our capabilities include:
Swiss screw machining
Plastic injection molding
2D + 3D CAD
CNC lathe and milling
USA Project Managers
Electrical testing

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